Let's Fly - in a Chinook Ultralight!

Ever wonder what it would be like to fly? I mean, really fly! - like a bird?

Ordinaryflying - in a commercial airliner, for instance, is, as you may have noticed, about as much like the dreams you may have had of flying as being caught in a rainstorm is when you're on a bus. You know it's raining, all right, but are you experiencing the rain? I don't think so! Well, we can fix that! By flying, not for the sake of getting some place, as in an airliner, but flying just for the sake of flying - in a Chinook Ultralight!

Let me show you what I mean:

Here's a Chinook Ultralight Aircraft, about to taxi to the runway at Grand Forks International Airport. This is a 2 - place, 65 HP aircraft, capable of taking two people as high as they want to go, to cruise at 75 mph, and to range as much as 150 miles between fill-ups. Yet, it has left the fun in flying! - a completely unadulterated flying experience!
Here are some more pictures of this marvelous little aircraft - click on any of these thumbnails for a full screen (plus) view:

The lexan-enclosed canopy of the Chinook lets you have the feeling, in the front seat at least, almost of being in no aircraft at all, yet reduces the wind noise to a minimal level. And engine noise is very low, also, since the pusher prop is driven by the engine in the rear - a very smooth little Zanzottera efi two-stroke.

What's It Like To Fly In?

"- the closest thing to flying like the birdies do"
" - it's like a geezly flying motorcycle!"

"Take-Off Clearance"
Let me put it this way: If you haven't yet flown in an ultralight, you haven't yet really experienced flying!

Let's have a look at some photos of a typical fly-around our local Valley. Click the thumbnail for the full view:

"Up, Up, and Away"

The low-speed handling characteristics of ultralights make it safe to fly "low and slow" - an emergency landing, at 30mph, can be done in a very small field, so you don't have to be careful always to be within gliding distance of an airstrip - there are many fields in these views which would allow a safe and controlled landing. (Remeber: any landing you walk away from is a Good Landing!)

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You'll like it even more when I finish it up! - Links to a flying school near you, and all that kinda stuff.

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